We have had a very busy Summer so far! We are finally getting in yellow squash and cucumbers from our fields. Tomatoes are slow coming as are peppers. Luckily, not only have we found a great source for tomatoes, they are locally grown, and boy are they delicious! We have also partnered with a local farm to also have watermelons, cantaloupes, and sweet corn among other fruits and veggies throughout the summer.
We have started to grow cool weather vegetables to be available at the nursery! I know you guys have been harvesting your summer vegetables and it seems too hot to think about Fall, but it’ll be here before you know it! Kale, Carrots, Lettuce, and Spinach are a few that are being grown on site!
Basil, Rosey, Lavey and Lovey are all doing well. We try to take them on daily walks. They have been very interested in our new baby chicks that are right next to their pen. We added Sapphire Gems and ISA Browns to our mix. They will help us with Farm Fresh Eggs for you in the Winter months while our current chickens take a break.
We are excited to expand our Animal Feed Offerings. We have Sheep, Heritage Hog, Quail, Cracked Corn, and a Wildlife Bird Feed from Homestead Harvest. Remember, my feathered friends, we have Chick and Turkey Starter and Grower. And of course, we have Homestead Harvest Chicken Layer. A Little Herd of Goats at the farm LOVE their Goat feed, too!
We are offering Sno~cones during weekends! Come say hi to Madison and grab a cool treat!
Have a great rest of your week and stay cool and safe!
