Wow! We’ve been open just over a month. We have been very busy getting the nursery up and running. Moving in September 1 and opening just a few days later, is pretty impressive. I have my awesome hubby and huge fabulous family to thank for that! We’ve cleaned up our trees that we have around the property- Oaks, Cherries, Magnolias, Willow, Crape Myrtles, Dogwoods, Birches, and more. We’ve done some weeding and landscaping, as well as continued to add inventory throughout the weeks. It’s been a learning process for me, and I really appreciate the outpouring of support that our awesome fellow Kent Islanders have given us! Thanks to you ALL!
And…..the field is coming together! Yippee! You might have seen hubby and my sister-in-law picking up trash and plant debris that won’t work with our tiller. But on Sunday, they were tilling a piece of the field. Hopefully this week we will get our garlic planted as well as plant our blueberry bushes. We are super excited to start this part of our business. I’m hoping for a good rest of the year, weather-wise so we can begin a strong “You Pick” in the late Spring. There is still a lot of work to be done but the changes we’ve already been able to do is exciting! I’m happy too about getting the seeds for next years crop. If you have any favorites, please let me know. I’m always looking for new veggies and fruits to try.
Thanks for supporting us….now back to the dirt!
