Always at the end of the year, you should stop, take a step back and look back. How did the year go? What did you accomplish? What went well and what didn’t. What will you do next?
This year started as the years before it. Nothing new, the same thing…. Then, taa-daaa, an opportunity presented itself. Within a few short months, everything was set in place. We were going to be opening our nursery by the years end. Just in time for Fall.
Fall isn’t the best time to open a nursery. It’s typically a very slow time, unlike Spring. But looking back, it was the best time for us to start. We were able to settle in, learn a bit about the land, and plan for what we needed to do. The slower period allowed us to make some changes to the nursery- clean up the trees, remove and clean up areas to make the barn more visible and inviting. Begin the clean up of the field and get the fourth hoop house operational.
And just as Fall was winding down, the Christmas trees arrived. Yet another new adventure for us. Where to put them? How to take care of them? What do we have too much of? What do we not have and not have enough of? We added a visit from Santa, had local businesses support us- Do you guys know how many local businesses we have right here?? It’s ahhh-mazing. They are amazing people! – We donated tips and donated gifts by you guys to Adopt-A-Bear and it was a success! But now it’s colder, what now?
We are really not taking the Winter as an opportunity of slowing down. We are open for business, just a different kind of business. We have THE best animal feed around- Homestead Harvest’s Mini Pig, Goat, Chicken feeds, etc. that we have available at the Barn. We have bird feeders and bird seed to keep your feathered friends around. And the biggest project? Planning and planting for Spring and Summer.
We have many plans for 2020 and we are working hard to make sure that we meet our goals. It’s a learning process, so I’m sure we will find what works and what doesn’t. We will have things work very well and somethings not work at all. We are excited to see what we can accomplish in this next year and the best part? Is that we will have you along for the ride 😊.
So, here’s to 2019! It was a good year, one of the best! And to 2020? It’s going to be better! Better Spring, better Fall and a better Winter. More great experiences, more great people to meet, more great events, more veggies, herb, trees, shrubs and more plants!! More dirt to play in!!!!!!!
From our family to yours, we hope you have a wonderful Happy New Year! See you soon!
